
Sunday, February 17, 2019

The Record Companies Decrease in Sales :: Music

The Record Companies Decrease in Sales The medicine business is experiencing a recession where record sales be arrival e precise last(predicate)-time lows. All record companies bear got in the last hardly a(prenominal) yearsexperienced a considerable decrease in sales. conclusion the cause or causesof this has naturally become a major have-to doe with for all of them. Some blame the recession in the West in general, but that can hardlyexplain why one intentness is losing out so much to a greater extent than others. Music today is less(prenominal) from the heart than it used to be only ten yearsago. It is generally a purely commercial product to be used up and thrownaway. A lot of ultramodern music has a compact but intense life span. People are non prompt to pay as much for a disposable product as they are for areusable. The hit song of the week is fed to us all through radio and TVso intensely that we need not buy the record. And when it is no longerbroadcasted no one remembers it. Attempts to change this and labour more quality, depth and originalityin music have not been very successful. The whole entertainment businessis ruled by trends and, quality seems to have gone out of style To simply lower the price of a CD is a commonly suggested solution,naturally advocated by the buyers. But no business favors such a remedy.Not only since it reduces their income but as well because it sends out thewrong signals to people. It gives the impression that the product is worthless and that the customers have been charged too much before. And if theprice can unload by ten per cent this year people might expect it to dropanother ten per cent next year. A better colonisation could be enhancing the product and giving peoplemore for their money. Thanks to modern technology there can be so muchmore included on a CD than just music. A computing device with a CD-ROM drive,which is becoming quite common, allows us to read some(prenominal) different kindsof information off a CD. A short wonder with the artist or behind thescenes features can be included as so called Quicktime movies. Lyricsheets, discographies, extensive biographies and even sheet music canalso be added easily. Text files have such small memory requirementscompared to fathom that the Bible can be stored in less space than a normallength song There have already been several(prenominal) Cds released which include a

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